Wow, what can I say. Coming into the 4th week of the RunForTheThree and already we have overcome the the $3,000 dollar mark.....$3344.15 to be exact. The support and gratitude that everyone has shown is tremendous and very humbling, and I know we are only getting started.
To everyone that has supported the Run let me be the first to say thank you. Please continue to pass it on and encourage all that you know to help. It all makes a difference. To make a pledge via the web go to or download a pledge form here.
Training wise things are well. For anyone keeping score, I'm finishing up week 5 of 16 to prepare for the run. And to all those that checked the 3:10 challenge, thanks for the inspiration. Believe me when I tell you there isn't one part of me that is not pushing each and every day to make you part with that extra money. Stay tuned....